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What should we pay attention to when using tape?

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

Adhesive must be kept in a dry and clean environment, otherwise it will affect the bonding effect of the adhesive tape. During the bonding process, it is necessary to increase a certain amount of force to ensure a good bond between the adhesive tape and the object being bonded. After using the function, the adhesive tape should be peeled off as soon as possible to prevent residual glue. If the adhesive tape does not have UV resistance, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight and prevent residual adhesive. If it is different environments and different adhesives, the same adhesive tape will also exhibit different results, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate one for use.

The adhesive tape needs to avoid direct sunlight and rain, avoid contact with acidic solvents, pay attention to the humidity of the environment, refuse direct contact with the wall, and maintain room temperature.

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