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Main characteristics of sealing tape

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

High quality and high-performance tape performs well even in extremely harsh weather conditions, suitable for storing goods in warehouses, shipping containers, and preventing theft, illegal opening, etc. We offer up to 6 colors and different sizes of neutral and personalized sealing tape.


Instantaneous adhesive force - the sealing tape sticks and becomes firm immediately.

Fixed ability - even with minimal pressure, it can adhere to the workpiece according to your ideas.

Easy to tear off - easy to peel off from the tape roll without stretching or dragging the tape.

Controlled unfolding - The sealing tape can be pulled away from the tape roll in a controlled manner, neither too loose nor too tight.

Flexibility - The sealing tape can easily adapt to rapidly changing curved shapes.

Thin - The sealing tape will not leave thick edge deposits.

Smoothness - The sealing tape feels very smooth to the touch and does not irritate the hands when pressed.

Anti transfer - the sealing tape will not leave adhesive after being removed.

Anti solvent - The backing material of the sealing tape prevents solvent penetration.

Anti shattering - The sealing tape will not crack.

Anti retraction - The sealing tape can stretch along the curved surface without any retraction or detachment.

Anti peel - The paint will firmly adhere to the backing of the sealing tape.

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