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How to judge the quality of stretch film?

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

The rise of the logistics industry has driven the widespread application of packaging materials, among which stretch film is one of the new types of packaging materials. In the logistics industry, stretch film can protect products while allowing customers to directly see the packaged goods, making it easier for customers to choose products. Nowadays, the market is huge, and many users do not know how to choose which stretch films have high cost-effectiveness.

1. Stretching: Stretching is the ability of stretch film to produce elastic elongation under tension. If the quality is good, the length will be extended after stretching. This characteristic allows our stretch film to better protect and package products.

2. Self adhesiveness: Self adhesiveness refers to the adhesive properties of stretch films after they come into contact with each other. This characteristic ensures that the packaged items are securely fastened and not loose during the stretch winding process and after wrapping. This is also an important indicator for detecting its quality. When the temperature is low, it is not very sticky, but after stretching, the viscosity will decrease. Therefore, the finished stretch film can be stored within a temperature range (recommended storage temperature is 15 ℃~25 ℃) to stabilize the product's self adhesiveness.

3. Resilience: Resilience refers to the comprehensive performance of a film in terms of resistance to penetration and tearing. It is recommended to use tools such as hands or pens to test the toughness of the stretch film, as the toughness directly affects its use. Therefore, the better the toughness of the stretched film, the better the quality.

4. Price: When purchasing stretch film, one should not blindly pursue cheapness. Many manufacturers cut corners on product materials in order to reduce costs, so what you see as cheap may not necessarily be true. It is important to choose stretch film with high cost-effectiveness!

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