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What materials are used to make the sealing tape?

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

Users should pay attention to the quality when making purchases, so as to bring us results. The ordinary sealing tape adhesive used by the sealing adhesive manufacturer is acrylic resin adhesive, also known as pressure-sensitive adhesive. The main component is tinplate, which is a high molecular active substance. The temperature has a certain impact on the molecular activity, and the tinplate content of the adhesive directly affects the use of the tape. Many people think that the adhesive tape with a good hand feel is good adhesive, but this is actually wrong. There are two standards for the quality of adhesive tape in use, one is the initial adhesion force, and the other is the retention force, which are inversely proportional.

Generally speaking, tapes with adhesive strength lower than 10 microns have less adhesive coverage, usually only about 20 microns, such as stationery tapes and regular promotional bundling tapes. The initial adhesive strength of normal sealing tape is between 15-20 microns, and the thickness of this tape adhesive is generally 22-28 microns. It is a thickness that meets the standard.

But currently, most of the adhesive tapes on the market are mixed with impurities, so the thickness increases. In order to cover the impurities, the glue also contains color powder, so transparent tape appears in a light green color. This type of tape is generally of poor quality.

What are the main materials that make up the sealing tape?

The sealing tape is mainly composed of film and glue. So the price of natural sealing tape is closely related to these two factors. In general, these two factors are closely related to the price of gasoline, which is easily affected by fluctuations in the international market. So, we can simply assume that there is a significant relationship between the fluctuations in gasoline and diesel prices both domestically and internationally.

Secondly, it is related to the supply situation of large chemical manufacturers.

The price of sealing tape is also directly related to large chemical manufacturers. Because the chemical materials produced by these manufacturers are directly related to the stable production of adhesives, as well as the supply relationship of raw materials. If these manufacturers carry out equipment maintenance or encounter equipment failures, it will affect the price of raw materials.

Thirdly, it has a significant connection with social production demand.

In general, during the summer season, production is in the off-season and the demand for sealing tape decreases. Therefore, the sealing tape has been reduced. In general, at the end of each year, production is the peak season, and the demand for sealing tape is relatively high, so the price of sealing tape is prone to increase.

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