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The main advantages of sealing tape

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

Thin thickness, good cost performance ratio, transparent appearance, double-sided adhesive, non-toxic, odorless, safe, easy to use, high efficiency, high buffering strength, good shrinkage rate, puncture resistance, and tear resistance

national standard

JB/T 10456-2004 specifies the types, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, and storage requirements of tape sealing machines.The BOPP pressure-sensitive adhesive tape for box sealing specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of BOPP pressure-sensitive adhesive tape for box sealing (hereinafter referred to as "tape").

A tape suitable for biaxially oriented polypropylene film as the substrate, with a layer of pressure-sensitive adhesive evenly coated on one side of the substrate. This tape is mainly used for sealing boxes, covering and tying items, and can also be used as office supplies.

The technical requirements, testing methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of the re wetting kraft paper adhesive tape for sealing are specified.

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