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What are the technical specifications of stretch wrap film?

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

1. Stretch wrap film has self-adhesive properties

Stretch wrap film has self-adhesive properties, making it less likely for objects to scatter when wrapped in stretch wrap. Of course, self adhesiveness can also be influenced by many external factors. Such as humidity, dust, and pollutants. How can we make his self adhesiveness better. One is to process thin films with smooth and glossy surfaces; The second is to use additives that increase adhesion to create a wetting effect on the surface of the film, thereby improving adhesion.

2. Stretch wrap film has stretchability

The film will stretch under tension. If the stretching increases, it will make the film thinner and the width shorter. Longitudinal stretching is not harmful, but excessive stretching is often not advisable. Because this will make the film thinner, more prone to tearing, and increase the tension applied to the packaging.

3. Stretch wrap film has toughness

Resilience is the comprehensive property of a film's resistance to puncture and tear. Tear resistance refers only to the degree to which a film can resist tearing when subjected to tension and punctured. The danger value of tear resistance must be taken horizontally, perpendicular to the direction of machine operation, because tearing in this direction will make the packaging loose, and even if tearing occurs longitudinally, the packaging can still remain firm.

4. Stress retention of stretch wrap film

Stress retention refers to the degree to which the tension applied to the film can be maintained during the stretching and wrapping process.

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