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A better operating method for stretching film

The information comes from: Internet Published on: 2024-08-10

Many users have reported that they are prone to getting injured when using stretch film, especially during the packaging process of the product. If used frequently and quickly, it is very easy to scratch their hands, resulting in hand injuries. In fact, this problem can also be avoided. Let's take a look at what methods are used to avoid it.

1. When using stretch film, try to wear gloves to protect your hands and avoid direct friction between the paper tube and your hands.

2. When using stretch film in parallel, you can choose to insert a short stick into the stretch film paper tube and use the short stick to rotate.

3. During the process of using stretch film, most of it is used vertically and needs to be stretched. We can rotate the paper tube by placing it in the palm of our hand below. When stretching, you can hold it in your palm to reduce the risk of cutting your hand.

In fact, the phenomenon of stretching film injuring hands is relatively rare, but since some users have reported it, we need to take preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of such problems. We still need to fully understand all aspects of the product, especially its usage principles, before using it.

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